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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: TIF’s Renzo Galanello Fellowship Programme 2020 To Be Rescheduled and Compressed

Due to some difficulties and restrictions encountered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Renzo Galanello Fellowship Programme 2020 will not be offered in its full length and as initially scheduled between 12th October – 11th December 2020, through the Joint Red Cell Unit, Haematology Department of the University College London NHS Foundation Trust in London, UK.

Alternatively, Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) will offer a condensed training to 3 successful candidates between 9th – 13th of November 2020 through the Hippokrateon General Hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece under the supervision of Dr Efthymia Vlachaki, Haematologist at the Thalassemia Unit and the coordination of Professor John Porter, Professor of Haematology and Dr Perla Eleftheriou Consultant Haematologist on behalf of the Joint Red Cell UnitHaematology Department University College London NHS Foundation Trust in London, UK.

We are confident that, even though this year’ s training is a condensed one, it will be extremely beneficial and valuable to the work of the physicians attending the course, towards strengthening the quality of healthcare provided to our patients in their countries.

Learn more about TIF’s Renzo Galanello Fellowship Programme HERE.

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