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For Supporters

By supporting TIF activities and initiatives, you support patients with haemoglobin disorders around the world!

How Can I Support Patients Through TIF’s Work?

  • Support in establishing a new association or sustaining and strengthening an existing one.
  • Assist financially in our field trips and delegation visits which can be fact-finding, follow up or high-level visits
  • Support our educational program’s large scale (international/regional level) or small scale (national level) events. TIF organises biennially international and pan-European conferences, with the pan-European conferences being held in the years between the international conferences. TIF organises also regional conferences in any of the regions of the world, according to TIF’s capacities in the given period of time and to the region’s needs. TIF also organises national workshops in different countries of the world, again with the same criteria as regional conferences.
  • Support the compilation, editing, publication, translation or distribution of TIF’s publications, either financially or by contributing as editor or translator. For our existing and upcoming publications, please visit our Publications’ section.
  • Contribute financially or through consultancy and guidance in the accessibility of our publications through to all levels of the public, including medical specialists, health professionals, researches, patients and their families and the community at large.
  • Contribute to our newsletter by means of advertisement or article within it. Associations can promote their activities by submitting short articles for the newsletter.
  • Contribute to our website, helping us make it a more powerful communication tool. Companies and other organisations can become sponsors so that your logo can feature in our industrial circle.
  • Support our international, regional or national projects, which pertain to prevention, clinical management or cure of thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies, or many other topics which you can find in the Projects’ section.
  • Help financially or in the organisation procedure of Conferences and other educational/awareness events that TIF undertakes regularly.
  • Assist financially or in any other way in the organisation of activities revolving around our International Thalassaemia Day (8th) May, targeted to the awareness of patients and their families and the community at large about thalassaemia and other haemoglobin disorders, their prevention, clinical management and cure.
  • Through promoting TIF’s Position papers on crucial subjects.
  • Offer your translation services to any other short document apart from TIF’s publications, as might be considered necessary.
  • Contribute to the treatment of individual patients (blood transfusion/iron chelation) in a country, where treatment is NOT prided to patients free-of-charge nor is it adequately reimbursed.

We would like to welcome you to write to us at to find out more on your selected way of supporting our efforts to support patients with thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies, for the items where more information is not provided.

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Our Supporters:

TIF would like to thank the following partners for their ongoing support to the Federation’s mission to promote knowledge and implement national control programmes for the prevention and treatment of thalassaemia and other haemoglobin disorders in every affected country.

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