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UNITING EXPERTS | Highlights from the 1st Nordic Red Blood Cell Meeting

The Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) participated in the inaugural Nordic Red Blood Cell Meeting, which took place on September 12-13, 2024, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Ms. Katia Pelides, TIF’s Senior Educational Programmes Officer, and Ms. Catherine Skari, TIF’s Senior Communications Officer, represented the Federation at this significant event.

The meeting, organised by the Danish Red Blood Cell Centre of the Copenhagen University Hospital – Rigshospitalet, and led by the Centre’s Research Director, Dr. Andreas Glenthøj, brought together experts in red blood cell disorders from across the Nordic States, including Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Distinguished international speakers from the UK, Canada, and France also contributed their expertise, creating a global perspective on the research and treatment of thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies.

Throughout the two-day event, participants engaged in productive discussions on the latest advances in haemoglobinopathy research and treatment protocols. The gathering provided an invaluable platform for sharing insights and best practices, fostering collaborations aimed at improving patient care across the region. This is particularly important given the recent increase in migrant populations from areas with high prevalence of haemoglobinopathies and the growing interest in this field among medical professionals.

The Nordic Red Blood Cell Meeting exemplifies the concerted efforts TIF has been promoting in recent years. In 2022, TIF founded the Nordic Haemoglobinopathy Forum (NHF) intending to foster synergies in regions with emerging patient communities, united by common needs and perspectives, as well as shared goals and challenges.

In a welcome speech delivered by Ms. Catherine Skari on behalf of Dr. Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF’s Executive Director, Dr. Eleftheriou reaffirmed TIF’s unwavering commitment to expanding and strengthening its Regional Networks, now established and operational in numerous regions worldwide. She also emphasized TIF’s dedication to continually bridging regional needs and perspectives with international advocacy efforts, thereby amplifying the impact of collective actions in the field of haemoglobinopathies.

In a presentation, titled “EU Health Policies: Their Value for Patients and Healthcare Professionals Related to Haematological Disorders”, Ms. Katia Pelides emphasized the critical need for both patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs) to be well-informed about the evolving health policies within the European Union, such as the EU Pharmaceutical Package and the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation. Moreover, she underscored the value of HCPs using their influential roles to shape policy decisions and promote positive outcomes for patients.

Read the Meeting Report HERE.

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