
The Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) has developed an internationally-recognised educational programme, with the objective to provide lifelong education opportunities for health professionals, patients and their families, and raise awareness amongst policy makers and the community at large.
Electronic & Mobile Learning
TIF has developed a wealth of electronic and Web 2.0-based material, allowing patients, parents and medical specialists to interact with a variety of technologies, learn and contribute to increasing knowledge about thalassaemia.

Conferences & Workshops
The major component of TIF’s internationally accredited Educational Programme is the organisation of educational events (conferences, seminars and workshops) held at local, national, regional and international levels. TIF’s established international events are the biennial International Conference on Thalassaemia and Other Haemoglobinopathies, and the Pan-European, Pan-Asian and Pan-Middle East Regional Conferences.
Read MoreFellowships & Preceptorships
In the context of its educational programme and objective to contribute to the lifelong learning and progress in the field of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies, the Thalassaemia International Federation organises fellowships and preceptorships benefiting healthcare professionals.