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Renzo Galanello Fellowship Programme 2022

Due to the restrictions encountered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Renzo Galanello Fellowship Programme 2022 will not be offered physically and in its full length.

Alternatively, the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) will offer 4 successful candidates an online (condensed) training between 21st – 25th of November 2022, through the Joint Red Cell UnitHaematology Department University College London, NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK, under the leadership of Dr Perla Eleftheriou, Consultant Haematologist.

We are confident that, even though this year’s training is a condensed and virtual one, it will be extremely beneficial and valuable to the work of the physicians attending the course, towards strengthening the quality of healthcare provided to our patients in their countries.

Fellowship Programme

Application period for 2023 to be announced!

DURATION: One (1) week
CANDIDATES: This fellowship is offered to 4 physicians.
VENUE: In virtual modality, through the Joint Red Cell Unit, Haematology Department of the University College London NHS Foundation Trust, 235 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BU, UK.

Our Specialists

and a multidisciplinary team of high-caliber health professionals with international expertise in their field.


The candidates and their employers must be committed to working in the field of haemoglobinopathies at their current institution of employment for a period of at least 3 years after the fellowship so that the candidate also trains other medical specialists in the field during this period.

  • A letter of consent for this must be sent along with each candidate’s application, both by the candidate himself/herself and by his/her employer. The employer can be the director of the institution where the candidate is employed or an assigned by the Ministry of Health of the candidate’s country official.
  • Candidates should not work in a private hospital where patients will need to pay for his/her services.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who have specialist training in Haematology or Paediatrics or Internal Medicine and at least 2 years of experience in working with patients with Thalassaemia or Sickle Cell Disease in a government hospital.
  • In cases where the selection committee feels that specialized training in one or more specific aspects of the treatment or monitoring of haemoglobin disorders is essential to be promoted in a specific country or for this specific candidate, their training could be tailored and offered for a smaller duration (1-2 months) on the particular specialized topic. Such could be training on endocrine or hepatic or cardiac monitoring of haemoglobinopathy patients.
  • The candidates must provide information on the number of patients and types of haemoglobinopathy attending in his/her clinic and the type and quality of the provided services.
  • The applicants should understand well and speak fluent English and be able to provide proof of their proficiency in this language.
  • No more than one application per host institution will be considered at one time.
  • Final approval will be obtained through common consultation and consensus between the training centre and the Thalassaemia International Federation. Hence, the application of each candidate will be reviewed by the selection committee that will be comprised of:
    • 2 members of TIF’s Scientific Advisory Board on behalf of TIF
    • 2 chief medical specialists on behalf of the training centre.


Training period for 2023 to be announced.

Renzo Galanello Fellowship 2022 – Official Report DOWNLOAD

Renzo Galanello Fellowship 2022 – Training Programme DOWNLOAD

How to apply

Application Form 2022


The Application Form should be completed and submitted to the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF), Cyprus, by email at, with the subject line “TIF-Renzo Galanello Fellowship”.

The application should be accompanied by:

  1. A complete, most recent Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  2. Two (2) letters of consent to work in the field of haemoglobinopathies for at least 3 years at the candidate’s current institution of employment, one from the candidate and one from the director of the institution or from an appointed official of the Ministry of Health of the candidate’s country of employment, if the institution where the candidate is employed belongs to the Ministry of Health of that country.
  3. A reference letter of support and recommendation from the candidate’s current employers.
  4. The candidate’s choice(s) for the Optional Courses of the Training Program. These must be denoted on the Application Form.
  5. Proof of the candidate’s command of the English language.
  6. Proof of official registration of the candidate as a medical specialist in the medical registry of his/her country of employment.
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