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The Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) in collaboration with the Greek Thalassaemia Federation (EOTHA), and with the support of both the Greek Thalassaemia Association (ESTHA) and the Hellenic Society of Haematology, organised the 14thInternational Conference on Thalassaemia & Haemoglobinopathies & 16th TIF International Conference for Patients & Parents from the 17-19 November 2017.

As we strive towards the achievement, by 2030, of the new set of goals set by the United Nations and the World Health Organisation, the promotion of patient involvement and ensuring that patient-centeredness in healthcare systems remain important and indispensable targets for TIF. 

Exceeding all expectations, this year’s conference was attended by 1200 participants from more than 50 countries in the world, providing a unique forum for sharing knowledge and experience, for building collaborations and networks, and for strengthening existing ones:

Participated in this conference:

  • Patients and Patient Organisations
  • Healthcare Professionals/ medical specialists
  • Academics/ researchers
  • Policy-makers at national, regional, and international level
  • Industry

This interest has been the best reward to TIF’s work, demonstrating the impact that the Federation has had across the world, but also bringing to us the realization that we have an even greater responsibility to advocate for the implementation of policies that will safeguard and ensure a better quality of life for every patient in every country of the world, and to terminate any violation of their human rights.

The conference in a nutshell:

The conference was hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece, a country that has played an integral part in the history of thalassaemia, and was amongst the founding countries of TIF, both through its dynamic patient community but also through its dedicated medical community, which has contributed immensely to achieving a better understanding of the pathophysiology and the complex clinical outcomes of the genetic defect, and subsequently a better understanding of the elements that are essential for its effective control and management.

This year’s conference was a joint event for both Healthcare Professionals and Patients and Parents with live transmissions from the Scientific Programme fed into the Patients’ Programme,  dealing with key topics of interest for patients.

The exquisite and innovative Scientific Programme covered a broad range of topics focusing on NEW ADVANCES and INNOVATIVE TREATMENT methods thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies, as well as expert sessions dedicated to CLINICAL MANAGEMENT and MULTIDISCIPLINARY CARE.

The Patients Programme sought to EMPOWEREDUCATE and INFORM representatives of national thalassaemia associations from over 50 countries, on issues of crucial importance, such as:

  • Optimal Blood Transfusion Therapy in Haemoglobinopathies
  • Iron Overload & Chelation in Haemoglobinopathies
  • Multidisciplinary Care: the UK Experience
  • Best practices in assessing iron overload today: A need for Guidelines?
  • Endocrine complications
  • Cardiac complications
  • Liver complications
  • Renal complications


A special highlight for patients was the announcement of the Thal e-Course, part of the Expert Patients’ Programme with the clear aim to provide the necessary knowledge and skills that patients need in order to take control over their disease and effectively manage their condition.

TIF’s ambition with this programme is to develop core groups of expert patients in every affected country of the world in order to promote national policies for the establishment of quality treatment and management for all patients wherever they may live.
Patients who are interested in taking this course should sign up by filling out this form.

Read the Conference Programme Read the Abstract book President’s opening ceremony speech President’s closing remarks Proceedings Book

Snapshots from the Conference

Preparations Opening ceremony Opening presentations Capacity-Building workshops Scientific Programme Patient Educational Programme Patient Motivational Workshops New TIF Board of Directors MRI side meeting Informative corridors Country meetings TIF Award Ceremony


Νέες θεραπείες για όσους πάσχουν από μεσογειακή αναιμία

New Treatments for patients with thalassaemia

Αφιέρωμα στο Παγκόσμιο Συνέδριο Θαλασσαιμίας

Tribute to the International Thalassaemia Conference

Prof John Porter presenting “Haemoglobinopathies are & Cure: Have we reached the end”?

S Lobitz presenting “Migration: The aftershocks to the provision of healthcare” during the international Thalassaemia Conference 2017.

Anuba Mukherjee presenting Patients as Equal Partners in Decision-Making: The Global Reality”.

Opening sessions, speeches and presentations

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