HPLC Screening in the Service of Prevention and Diagnosis

The course, HPLC Screening in the Service of Prevention and Diagnosis, offers specialised knowledge on interpreting HPLC chromatograms to identify haemoglobinopathy cases.
The development of this course falls within TIF’s mission to ensure correct information on haemoglobinopathy testing and to spread awareness on haemoglobin disorders.
Different strategies can be used in the control of haemoglobinopathies. Laboratory testing can be organized with a prospective approach (e.g., pre-marital, antenatal screening, newborn screening) or can be used for follow up and medical care. An important role of the laboratory is to provide useful information and suggest paths for more targeted molecular diagnosis.
Key success drivers for an effective haemoglobinopathy prevention program is teamwork between laboratory doctors, haematologists, and clinicians; and the assembly of centres of excellence with good networking between screening and diagnostic centres. Also important is the availability of training programs, exchange of information, and the use of similar protocols and technologies.
Haemoglobinopathies constitute a global concern that calls for the establishment of robust public health policies on prevention, the promotion of specialised knowledge in laboratory diagnosis, and multidisciplinary healthcare services for effectively managing the clinical challenges of this group of disorders and ensuring quality life for patients.
Thalassaemia and sickle cell are genetic, hereditary disorders of the haemoglobin that is estimated to affect 300-500 thousand children globally who are born with the disease and 7% of the world population that are found to be carriers of a gene that causes these haemoglobin disorders.
Aims and objectives:
The aim of the course is to strengthen laboratory professionals’ knowledge of haemoglobinopathies and interpretation of chromatograms.
Specific objectives:
- Discuss haemoglobin genotype-phenotype correlation
- Cover the basics of haemoglobin HPLC separation
- Review chromatograms of thalassaemias and haemoglobin variants
Requirements for participation:
- Laboratory or medical degree will be helpful
- Interest in understanding haemoglobinopathies and how to interpret HPLC chromatograms
This course is comprised of a series of educational videos covering in-depth key issues related to understanding and analysing HPLC chromatograms.
Course structure:
- Course Overview
- Haemoglobinopathy Testing Webinar
- Thalassaemia Case Studies
- Sickle Cell Case Studies
- Hb Variant Case Studies
You may access the course material by easily creating an account on TIF e-Academy.
A certificate will be given at the end of the course to the laboratory professionals who review all the course content and pass the quizzes (100% grade).
NB: This certificate does not equal or replace any university medical specialization or expertise.
The course is offered free of charge to interested laboratory professionals worldwide.