EVENT | 1st RAIN Summit for Patients with Rare Anaemias | 18-19 May 2024
The Rare Anaemias International Network (RAIN), in collaboration with the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) and the Asociatia Persoanelor cu Talasemie Majora (APTM), is delighted to announce the organisation of the 1st RAIN Summit for Patients with Rare Anaemias. The workshop will take place between 18-19 May 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.
The workshop will present an excellent opportunity for patients to exchange knowledge on the latest scientific advances for Rare Anaemias, and share concerns and challenges.
A unique occasion for a discussion that will cover the latest advances in research and recent regulatory authorisations of therapies. Simultaneously, a special focus on patients’ disease education and capacity building will facilitate the empowerment of the patient/parent community, whose strong and competent representation and participation are extremely important at all levels of decision-making bodies and processes leading to more productive and successful outcomes.
Meeting Aims and Objectives:
The members’ meeting will be open to all RAIN members and their individual networks. We aim to achieve the following meeting objectives:
- Provide an update and overview of the RAIN Steering Committee and Scientific Advisory Board.
- Share a general overview of therapeutic approaches for rare anaemias.
- Educate attendees about therapeutic approaches to improve red blood cell function, providing a deep dive into how they are used to treat patients with rare anaemias.
- Provide an opportunity for attendees to discuss the therapeutic approach and the impact of advocacy.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
The Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) is once again proud to offer a Patients Sponsorship Programme for each of our workshops and educational events. We are eager to facilitate the attendance of numerous patients with rare anaemias and treating physicians at the upcoming workshop for Patients & Parents, scheduled to be held in Bucharest from May 16-18, 2024.
For more information and to apply for sponsorship, please click here: