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TIF Preceptorship Programme 2017


Following the 70th World Health Assembly, TIF received an official request from the Ministries of Health of Cyprus and Maldives to establish a trilateral collaboration framework for the prevention and management of thalassaemia in the Maldives.

TIF welcomed the initiative and drafted a 2-year collaboration proposal, which was accepted by all parties and immediately put into effect. The collaboration framework entails the initial organisation of a Preceptorship on the Clinical Management of Thalassaemia for specialist doctors identified by the Ministry of Health of the Maldives and subsequent visits of experts to the Maldives (per semester until 2019) to assess the progress made and further train the medical staff of the Maldivian thalassaemia centres.

Topic area: The clinical management of thalassaemia

ORGANISER: Thalassaemia International Federation
COLLABORATORS: University of Milan │ University College London Hospitals
SUPPORTERS: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus │ Ministry of Health of the Republic of Maldives │ Ministry of Health of the State of Palestine
DURATION: 23.10.2017-03.11.2017

Goals and aims:

This preceptorship programme seeks to:

-present the latest advances in the clinical management of thalassaemia major
-facilitate knowledge exchange among healthcare professionals across countries
-support the better management and treatment of the thalassaemia disorder worldwide



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