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TIF Collaborations

Professional Societies

TIF has developed a close collaboration with professional societies which focus on research and treatment of diseases or groups of diseases or focus on public health issues that are relevant to the care of patients.

The European Haematological Association (EHA) serves as the leading professional organization for haematologists across Europe. The EHA is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning in haematology, not only within Europe but also in the Middle East and other regions. The Association actively supports the advancement and adoption of its curriculum for specialist training in haematology throughout Europe. Additionally, the EHA strongly encourages individual haematologists to enhance and sustain their professional skills through its Continuing Medical Education (CME) program.


How TIF Works With EHA

TIF’s ongoing collaboration with the European Hematology Association (EHA) underscores TIF’s commitment to advancing education and scientific knowledge in the field of Haematology.

Recognizing the invaluable expertise that patients bring regarding their conditions and aiming to amplify the patient voice within the association’s decision-making processes, the European Hematology Association (EHA) established the EHA Patient Advocacy Committee (PAC) in 2011. Since its inception, Mr. Loris Brunetta, a Board Member of the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF), has served as the Vice-Chair of the PAC. The Federation stands as the largest organization representing patients with non-malignant hematological disorders.

TIF actively participates in the annual EHA Congress, engaging with key stakeholders and contributing to the discourse on haematological advancements. This collaboration extends beyond participation, as TIF works closely with EHA to ensure that its conferences and educational courses for healthcare professionals meet the highest standards. Notably, TIF’s Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) e-Course for Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) has been meticulously reviewed and endorsed by EHA, further cementing its quality and relevance.

TIF has been distinguished with the esteemed HemaSphere Award at the EHA2024 Hybrid Congress, acknowledging its substantial contributions to the field. This accolade was awarded for TIF’s outstanding work in enhancing scientific understanding in Haematology, particularly through the publication of the “2021 Thalassaemia International Federation Guidelines for the Management of Transfusion-Dependent Thalassaemia.” The publication exemplifies TIF’s dedication to providing comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines that support healthcare professionals in delivering optimal care to patients with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia (TDT).

Through these collaborative efforts, TIF continues to foster a robust educational environment, aiming to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve patient outcomes in the field of Haematology.

More information on EHA can be found on its official website.

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The International Paediatric Association (IPA) is the professional body representing paediatricians worldwide. The aim of the Association is to foster relationships among the paediatricians of the world, thus promoting education and sharing of information about child health. Indeed, the IPA’s mission is to encourage paediatricians, together with other stakeholders, to take initiative in promoting physical, mental, and social health for all children, and in realizing the highest standards of health for newborns, children, and adolescents in all countries of the world. The IPA works closely with national health authorities across the world, advocating for quality services to be provided to paediatric populations not only focusing on curative methodologies but preventative mechanisms too.

More information on IPA can be found at its official website.

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The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) is a world famous professional society of medical specialists, researchers, clinicians and academics who promote liver research with the ultimate goal to improve the treatment of liver diseases worldwide. EASL’s activities include developing scientific and educational programmes including the highly recognized International Liver Congress which gathers more than 5,000 participants each year, as well as facilitating the drafting and adoption of Clinical Guidelines for various liver diseases in order to ensure patients receive optimal care.


TIF participated in the International Liver Congress that took place on 24—28 April 2013 in Amsterdam. The Congress, which is organised annually by the European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL) provides a unique platform for specialists to debate, discuss and analyse the latest developments in the clinical management of liver diseases.

For further information on EASL, please feel free to visit their official website.

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The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), founded in 1935, brings together more than 1300 professionals in the field, from over 101 countries. ISBT is the leading international professional society in the field encompassing transfusion and transplantation science and medicine

ISBT organises regional and international congresses every year aiming to:

  • Advocate and promote safe and sufficient transfusion therapy for all patients globally through dialogue between national and international professional societies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations;
  • Provide opportunities for knowledge and information exchange on relevant scientific, clinical and technical practice and research and development, and;
  • Promote, enable and maintain a high level of ethical medical and scientific standards in blood transfusion science and medicine.

For more information on ISBT and its activities, please feel free to visit their official website.

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ESTM is a non-profit Association, established in 1992, is managed by an Administration Council and an Executive Committee, and is guided by Scientific and Advisory Committees. ESTM aims to provide specialist teaching of an International and European character in the field of Transfusion Medicine, to specialists already established in the scientific and professional field, physicians, other graduates and paramedical personnel under specialist training.

For more information on ESTM, please feel free to visit their official website.

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The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is a dynamic member-led organisation, made up of public health NGOs, patient groups, health professionals, and disease groups that work together to improve the health sector and strengthen the voice of public health in Europe. EPHA’s mission is to bring together the public health community to facilitate change and deliver equitable solutions to European public health challenges, whilst simultaneously improving health and reducing health inequalities. In achieving its mission EPHA, monitors the policy-making process within the EU institutions, promotes greater awareness amongst European citizens and NGOs about policy developments and programme initiatives that effect the health of those living in the EU, participates in policy debates and stakeholder dialogues to raise the profile of health in all policy areas, supporting collaboration and partnerships between non-governmental organisations and other organisations active at European, national and local level on health promotion and public health.


TIF engages in a particularly close collaboration with EPHA, supporting its values of universality and equity by participating in various policy consultations, promoting our own vision to ensure that all patients with thalassaemia have equal access to quality healthcare

For more information on EPHA, please feel free to visit their official website.

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TIF is a founding member of the Cyprus Alliance for Rare Disorders (CARD), a non-profit organisation established on the 2 June 2010 with the aim to provide a dynamic and unified voice to the 60,000 patients with rare disorders residing today in Cyprus.

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