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International Thalassaemia Day




Celebrated on the 8th of May, the International Thalassaemia Day is devoted to raising awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about thalassaemia, promoting and strengthening the lifelong and difficult struggle of patients against this severe blood disease, and commemorating all the people who are no longer with us, while renewing our promise to keep fighting until the final cure for thalassaemia is found.

Every year since 1994, the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) is organising many diverse activities for the International Thalassaemia Day, with the objective to draw the attention of general public, patient associations, public authorities, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives, to fuel discussions and promote actions on a particular theme related to the prevention, management or treatment of the disease in a patient-centred manner. 


2021 – ”Addressing Health Inequalities Across the Global Thalassaemia Community”.

  • 2020 – ”The dawning of a new era for thalassaemia: Time for a global effort to make novel therapies accessible and affordable to patients”
  • 2019 – “Universal access to quality thalassaemia healthcare services: Building bridges with and for patients”
  • 2018  “Thalassaemia past, present and future: Documenting progress and patients’ needs worldwide”
  • 2017 – “Get connected: Share knowledge and experience and fight for a better tomorrow in thalassaemia”
  • 2016 – “Access to safe and effective drugs in thalassaemia”
  • 2015 – “Enhancing partnership towards patient-centred health systems: good health adds life to years!”
  • 2014 – “Economic Recession: Observe – Joint Forces – Safeguard Health”
  • 2013 – “The right for quality health care of every patient with Thalassaemia: major and beyond”
  • 2012 – “Patients’ Rights Revisited”


When & How was the International Thalassaemia Day established:

Read more

This year:

     The 2020 theme:

The dawning of a new era for thalassaemia:

Time for a global effort to make novel therapies accessible and affordable to patients


Quick Links:

Main theme Campaign materials TIF Activities

Previous Years

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