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Capacity-Building Workshops

Let the days of the passive faceless patient be over

TIF organises a great number of workshops and seminars in many countries, addressing the specific needs of its member organisations in each case.

These include:

  • Capacity building workshops in order to accelerate health system reform
  • Methodologies to translate directives and protocols into action
  • Supporting collaborating centres working on new approaches to care for thalassaemia
  • Strengthening governance mechanisms for public hospitals, clinics and thalassaemia centres

Many workshops have a combination of the scopes mentioned above.

To date, TIF has organised over 63 local-national workshops in 60 countries worldwide.

Furthermore, TIF assists on several occasions in the organisation or in financial aspects of workshops organised by affiliated associations, but also it participates on several occasions at workshops organised by affiliated associations or other bodies.

TIF always strives for the provision of Continuing Medical Education units (CME) for the workshops it organises, through appropriate and authorised accrediting bodies, in all cases where this is possible.

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