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NEW PUBLICATION | TIF Recommendations Offer Guidance To Thalassaemia-Treating Physicians

A significant addition to the education and updating of treating physicians across the world with regards to the management of transfusion-dependent (TDT) thalassaemia has been produced by the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF).

The newly issued publication ‘Basic Recommendations in Brief for Treating Physicians’, based on and complementing the ‘Guidelines for the Management of Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia (4th Edition – 2021)’, is an easy-to-understand, user-friendly resource for thalassaemia-treating clinicians, especially for those who are not fully experienced and well-knowledgeable of the management of patients with this serious chronic disorder, or those operating in Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) settings admitting haemoglobinopathy patients.

These key recommendations offer valuable guidance on a variety of thematics pertaining to thalassaemia management, ranging from blood transfusion and iron overload and chelation to the assessment of cardiovascular and liver disease, pregnancy management, and much more.

Download the ‘Basic Recommendations in Brief for Treating Physicians’ HERE

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