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The Theme

By raising awareness, sharing knowledge and bringing thalassaemia to the attention of as many people as possible worldwide, we can increase understanding on why thalassaemia is a global public health concern, how it can be prevented, controlled and treated properly, and take action to create change and help address existing challenges for patients.

The Material

A vast selection of all the materials you need to support the International Thalassaemia Day (ITD) 2022 and raise awareness for people affected by thalassaemia can be found here. Download, use and share them as far and wide as you can!

Understanding Thalassaemia

Accurate information about thalassaemia can empower us all to take preventative action, reduce disease-related stigma and make informed choices about our health. Ace the basics of thalassaemia and step up your knowledge on key aspects of the disorder with our brand new informational brochures, available in multiple languages!

Get Involved

A thalassaemia hero, a parent, a caregiver, a healthcare professional, a student, a friend. No matter who you are, you have the power to reduce the impact of thalassaemia for yourself, your loved ones and the world!

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