NOVITÀTIF News (IT)Member News
The ”International Blood Diseases Symposium” Is Just Around The Corner
To be co-organised by the Turkish Federation of Blood Diseases & TIF

The Turkish Federation of Blood Diseases, Kan Hastalıkları Federasyonu is joining forces with TIF for the organisation of the ”International Blood Diseases Virtual Symposium”, which will be held virtually on September 26-27, 2020.
A 5-member team of our Federation will take part in this important event, consisting of Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF Executive Director, Mr George Constantinou and Mr Riyad Elbard, TIF Board Members, Dr Michael Angastiniotis, TIF Medical Advisor, and Mr Ahmet Varoglu, Member of TIF Patient Advocates Group.
Registrations are free of charge and can be made HERE.
More information on the Symposium can be found HERE.