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International Thalassaemia Day 2021

How To Get Involved

International Thalassaemia Day is a global occasion on which patients with thalassaemia, their families and carers, healthcare professionals, thalassaemia advocates, the general public, the media and many other stakeholders unite to raise awareness of thalassaemia.

Your participation – both in the build-up to and following 8 May 2021 – is key to the success of the campaign and taking part can be exciting and hugely rewarding!

If your region or community is observing physical distancing guidelines due to COVID-19, you can set up online activities.

Here are some ideas of how you can get involved:

The ITD 2021 Planning Guide provides all the information you need to take active part in the Campaign and help make the International Thalassaemia Day greater than ever before!

Share your #ITD2021 Photos

Leading up to the International Thalassaemia Day is a time when you can enter the spotlight!

Whether you are a patient, a healthcare professional or a caregiver, we invite you to show us your experiences, everyday challenges and life with thalassaemia.

You could choose to celebrate the daily victories and achievements you have accomplished, despite your condition, and encourage thousands of other individuals who are struggling with thalassaemia!

You could even wear as much red – the TIF and International Thalassaemia Day key colour- as possible, take a selfie, and tell the world why you support the International Thalassaemia Day!

Also share your photos from your International Thalassaemia Day activities!

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