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Delegation Visits 2018

Iraqi Consultation Meeting in Lebanon – 19-20 April 2018

Iraq, following many years of political instability and civil war, is now initiating a recovery of services. TIF is pleased to note that the Iraqi Ministry of Health has given priority to thalassaemia, despite the challenges posed by the year-long political instability and war.

Based on good epidemiological data, kept and updated throughout the difficult years, the Ministry of Health has appraised the increase of affected births in the country and has demonstrated the willingness to address the issue of uncontrolled annual new affected births by forming a multidisciplinary committee, known as the Centre’s Committee”. The “Centre’s Committee” was given the directive to form a national policy for the prevention of thalassaemia in the country.

To assist in this endeavour, the TIF advisory group met with the ‘Centre’s Committee’ in Beirut on the 19th and 20th of April, to deliver consultation on all aspects of Prevention and Clinical Management of Thalassaemia.

During the meeting, TIF was invited to provide technical support and recommendations, and assist the “Centre’s Committee” of the Ministry of Health of Iraq in:

  • developing a national policy for the control of thalassaemia, and
  • scheduling a list of activities to be carried out over the next three years, which will lead to effective measures both for limiting new births and for better management of existing patients.

The TIF advisory group consisted of Dr Androulla Elefhteriou, Dr Michael Angastiniotis and Prof Dimitris Loukopoulos, and was assisted by Prof Ali Taher, Michele Abi Saad and the staff of the Chronic Care Centre.

Iraq is a country with a high prevalence of thalassaemia, and therefore this meeting constitutes a pivotal part of the global actions of the TIF to promote effective strategies, programs and policies to ensure survival and the best possible quality of life for patients.

Programme of the meeting

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