A NORMAL LIFE by Miriam Lauria

« My name is Miriam and I live in the province of Matera, Italy. I have been suffering from thalassaemia major since birth. At the age of one year I began to receive blood transfusions every 15/18 days. Many people have this type of disease in a more or less serious form.
Every time I go for a transfusion, while I receive the blood, I think of that donor who for one day put his work aside and neglected his family to help me extend my life. I thank him for his generous act, for the time he has dedicated to me, someone unknown to him.
Sometimes I notice that the number of donors is limited. It happens when doctors tell me to wait a few more days because there are no compatible blood supplies. When « time runs out » I feel weak, I struggle to perform daily actions, I struggle to have the regular life that I normally lead, it becomes tiring to work. I am the manager of an optical shop. It also becomes difficult to perform several other activities: running, taking weights, swimming. Sometimes even playing with my grandchildren, picking them up and taking them to the park becomes too tiring.
I decided to become part of the Italian Federation of Blood Donor Associations (FIDAS), particularly in the « Give Life Fidas » section of Scanzano, to help sensitize all the people who have not experienced the wonderful act of blood donation.
I would like to contribute so that my pathology will stop being a taboo. I am pleased to be active in the association, I feel part of this inspiring community. In such way, I can directly thank those who choose to donate blood and help, so graciously, save someone else’s life.«