WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY 2020: Give blood and make the world a healthier place
Safe Blood, Saves Lifes!

On 14 June 2020 WHO and all countries worldwide will celebrate World Blood Donor Day!
The campaign theme for this year’s World Blood Donor Day is “Safe blood saves lives” with the slogan “Give blood and make the world a healthier place”. The idea is to focus on the contribution an individual giver can make to improve health for others in the community. Blood donations are needed all over the world to ensure individuals and communities have access to safe and quality-assured blood and blood products in both normal and emergency situations. Through the campaign, more people all over the world are called to become life-savers by volunteering to donate blood regularly.
The day and the theme are also a call to action for governments, national health authorities and national blood transfusion services to provide adequate resources and put in place systems and infrastructures to increase the collection of blood from voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors; to provide quality donor care; to promote and implement appropriate clinical use of blood; and to set up systems for the oversight and surveillance on the whole chain of blood transfusion.
Learn more about the 2020 Campaign, its Key Messages, the Ways You Can Get Involved and many other useful information on Blood Safety & Availability HERE.