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WHO SEAR Publishes Desk Review of Haemoglobinopathies in the South-East Asia Region

In an effort to understand the prevalence of thalassaemic syndromes and the existent blood supply system available within each country of the South-East Asia Region, the WHO Regional Office for SEAR has recently published a Desk Review of Haemoglobin (Hb) Disorders.

This Review aspires to help health authorities of these countries elaborate and implement sustainable Plans Of Action to manage and control Hb disorders, covering community awareness and education, training of healthcare professionals, and strengthening of diagnostic and transfusion services through increased patient access to sufficient and secure blood and blood products, and safe transfusion services.

TIF’s Medical Advisor, Dr Michael Angastiniotis, had a fundamental role in drafting and reviewing this document.

Download the WHO SEARO Desk Review HERE

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