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TIF Takes Active Part At The IAPO 9th Global Patients Congress

The International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) conducted online the 9th Global Patients Congress #GPC2020 on 16-17 September 2020, under the theme  »Co-creation of Innovative Healthcare ».

The Congress featured a total of 1200 attendees from 101 countries and 2 days of interactive discussions about healthcare strengthening and preparedness through patient-led innovative solutions, and the impact of the pandemic on the global patient community and health systems.

GPC2020 also marked the annual World Patient Safety Day, which took place on September 17, and emphasized the importance of health workers’ safety as a priority for patient safety.

TIF participated in the Congress with Dr Michael Angastiniotis, TIF Medical Advisor, and Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF Executive Director, who chaired the  »Blood Disorders & Access to Healthcare Services & Therapies » session, dedicated to the memory of the late Carol Ossai, former Chair of the Global Alliance of Sickle Cell Disease Organizations (GASCDO) and IAPO Board Member.

The session explored health inequality and the opportunity to deliver better healthcare, especially around sickle cell vaso-occlusive crises, a painful event occurring often to patients with this disease, and access to new biologic therapies and future gene therapies.

All sessions and resources for those who weren’t able to register in time are available in IAPO’s virtual auditorium HERE.


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