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TIF Has Joined the EASL Patient Organisations Community

With the purpose of strengthening collaboration and connections with patient organisations

TIF is constantly fortifying synergies with influential patient organisations for the benefit of individuals with thalassaemia and other Haemoglobin Disorders.

Therefore, we are excited to announce that the Federation has recently joined one of the most dynamic hepatology communities in the world, the European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL) Patient Organisations Community.

As a first activity, TIF is participating in the EASL Digital International Liver Congress 2020 #ILC2020, taking place on August 27-29, with a digital booth to display the Federation’s material and actions in this field.

Download ILC 2020 patient resources from TIF HERE.

Access ILC 2020 patient resources from EASL & other patient organisations HERE.


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