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TIF At The NORBS Online Regional Conference For Rare Diseases – 23 0ctober 2020

Supporting Serbia and other Eastern European countries in their efforts to upgrade holistic care services for patients with rare diseases, including thalassemia, TIF’s Executive Director, Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, participated  on behalf of the Federation at the National Organisation for Rare Diseases of Serbia (NORBS)’ Regional Conference, which took place online on the 23rd of October 2020.

Greece, Italy, Cyprus, the UΚ and France are the only European countries that have included holistic care for patients with thalassaemia in their national policies and legislation and have, therefore, been able to improve not only the patients’ quality of life and life expectancy, but also their social integration.

In her presentation, Dr. Eleftheriou gave special emphasis to the need for both multidisciplinary and social care for patients, and at the same time drew the attention of  participants in the ways of exerting pressure on governments in this direction. She also discussed examples of thalassaemia patients’ success stories from the above mentioned countries.

 Dr Androulla Eleftheriou:  »Holistic Care & Haemoglobin Disorders » Presentation


Holistic Care & HB Disorders - AE_Final


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