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ActualitésDelegation Visits 2017

Delegation Visit to the Sultanate of Oman – 8-9 October 2017

A TIF delegation team consisting of Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF Executive Director, and Dr Michael Angastiniotis,  TIF Medical Advisor, visited the Sultanate of Oman on October 8-9, 2017.

This delegation visit resulted from a previous meeting between the Ministers of Health of Oman and Cyprus and agreement that the two countries should collaborate on the further development of thalassaemia services. Upon invitation from both governments, TIF delegates were invited to assess the current situation in Oman and possibly make suggestions for further upgrading of services.

In its fact-finding mission, TIF had consultations with officials of the Ministry at the onset of the mission. These included the Directors general of Primary Health Care, Specialised Health Care, Planning and Statistics and the Head of Laboratory Services. This meeting defined the mission goals, which included a situation analysis and need assessment from which a final plan will emerge.

Various health facilities were then visited, including the Royal Hospital, the National Genetic Centre, the Sultan Qaboos University Centre, a primary care centre and finally the Oman Hereditary Blood disorder Association. The general impression of the health system of the Sultanate of Oman was one of excellence. Concerning the thalassaemia services, the main issues appear to be the development of more formal networking between academic/tertiary care facilities and peripheral centres.

TIF had an extensive rewarding stay in Muscat and is very confident that indeed major steps will soon happen in the direction of prevention.

Visit Report
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