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POLICY NEWS | TIF Issues Statement On The New EU Regulation For Blood, Tissues And Cells

The Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) welcomes with enthusiasm the proposal of the European Commission for a Regulation on the safety and quality of substances of human origin, published on 14 July 2022. 

This single Regulation, once approved by Member States, will replace all existing EU Directives on Blood, Tissues and Cells and will be equally applicable in the EU territory.

The proposal echoes the concerns of the EU-based thalassaemia, sickle cell disease and other transfusion- dependent patient communities for an outdated 20-year-old legal framework and constitutes a significant policy step towards improving the protection and safety of blood donors and recipients and increasing patient access to innovative transfusion and transplant therapies.

Given the significance of this document for the safety of all transfusion-dependent patients with thalassaemia, sickle cell disease or other rare anaemias, and considering the recent life-threatening, COVID-19-related blood shortages in a number of Member States and other potential challenges that have or may put the lives of many patients at stake, TIF calls upon Member States to hastily ratify, adopt and implement the proposed Regulation and work in unison towards a robust European Health Union.

Read the Full TIF Statement on the EU Regulation for Blood, Tissues and Cells HERE

Download the EU Commission’s Factsheet on the EU Regulation for Blood, Tissues and Cells HERE

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