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Delegation Visits 2019

Delegation Visit to Oman – 10-11 September 2019

A TIF Delegation Visit to Oman took place on 10 – 11 September 2019 as a follow up to the 2017 visit which was conducted at the request of the Ministry of Health for the provision of technical expertise for the development of a comprehensive national control programme for thalassaemia (clinical management and prevention).

The Delegation Team comprised of Mr Abdul Baset Mohd Merdas (TIF Board Member), Ms Maria Hadjidemetriou (Expert Patient, USA), Dr Michael Angastiniotis (TIF Medical Advisor) and Mr Rawad Merhi (TIF Countries & Members Officer).

During the visit the Delegation Team had the opportunity to visit the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital and Royal Hospital (adult and paediatric care) and meet with treating physicians to discuss issues pertaining to the clinical management of thalassaemia. Most notable is the state-of-art electronic health record at the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital including both primary and hospital care. Moreover, the Delegation Team visited the Genetic Centre where the national prevention programme is being regulated.

 The Genetic Centre demonstrated the most impressive development since the 2017 visit, in the implementation of specialised training programme of genetic counsellors. This is almost unique across the world where counselling is usually offered by doctors, nurses and laboratory scientists.

Already 8 counsellors have been trained in the first course, and 13 in the second course. These counsellors cover the needs of prevention across Oman.

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