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Delegation Visits 2019

Delegation Visit to France – 3-5 May 2019

The French Federation of Haemoglobin Disorders Patient Associations ‘SOS Globi’ in collaboration with TIF organized a Thalassaemia Conference on 3 – 5 May 2019 in Marseille, France. Over 60 thalassaemia patients and parents attended the Conference, which was the first of its kind.

The TIF’s Delegation team was formed by Mr George Constantinou, TIF’s Board of Directors Member and Expert Patient, and Dr Maria Sitarou. They had the opportunity to meet with thalassaemia patients to discuss the further strengthening and empowerment of their communities in France. In addition, the Delegation had the opportunity to meet and discuss issues of concern with clinicians and other healthcare professionals, regarding specific matters pertaining to the management of thalassaemia and policy/service planning tools.

Moreover, Dr Sitarou presented in French on behalf of TIF, an overview of the Federation’s work to the gathered audience (doctors, healthcare professionals and patients) as well as the experience of Cyprus in the effective management of thalassaemia. To overcome linguistic barriers, a leaflet of the educational opportunities and services which TIF provides in French was distributed.

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