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Delegation Visits 2019

Delegation Visit to Bangladesh – 28-31 January 2019

The Bangladesh Thalassaemia Samity (a patient driven organisation member of TIF), and the Ministry of Health co-organised a conference on patient care and prevention in Dhaka on 28 – 31 January 2019.

The Conference aimed to gather all relevant and involved stakeholders in order to achieve consensus regarding a national policy for the prevention and management of thalassaemia in Bangladesh.

TIF supported three experts to participate in the event:

  • Dr Paul Telfer (Bart’s and the London Hospital, UK) who spoke about clinical care
  • Dr Mary Petrou (UCLH, London) who focused on prevention issues
  • Prof Maitreyee Bhattyacharya (Kolkata, India) who focused on prevention issues
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