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Delegation Visits 2019

Consultation meeting with delegates from China – 21-25 October 2019

In the context of the Framework for Collaboration that TIF holds with official bodies from China for the past decade, a high level delegation, consisting of representatives from the Maternal and Child Health, National Health Commission, the Normal University of Beijing and the Birth Defects Intervention and Aid Foundation, visited Cyprus and Italy between 21 – 25 October 2019.

This delefation sought to fulfil three main objectives:

  1. To strengthen Chinese government international exchanges with Cyprus and Italy,
  2. to learn modern policies and service systems for thalassaemia
  3. to investigate government investment and social participation for thalassaemia in Cyprus and Italy.

During their stay in Cyprus, the delegation had the opportunity to visit relevant thalassaemia services (including the Thalassaemia Centre, Population Screening Laboratory, Karaiskakeio Foundation – Bone Marrow Registry, Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics – Thalassaemia Laboratory) and to hold high level discussions with the leaders of the services, agencies and departments visited. Moreover, the delegation met with Mr Panos Englezos (TIF President), Dr Androulla Eleftheriou (TIF Executive Director) and Dr Michael Angastiniotis (TIF Medical Advisor), with whom discussions were held on the next steps to be taken in China.

Upon departure from Cyprus, the delegation continued its journey to Genoa, where TIF Board Member, Mr Angelo Loris Brunetta, facilitated their visits to a number of institutions and high level meetings.

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