POLICY NEWS | TIF Issues Statement On The New EU Regulation For Blood, Tissues And Cells
This single Regulation, once approved by Member States, will replace all existing EU Directives on Blood, Tissues and Cells and will be equally applicable in the EU territory. The proposal…
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TIF’s EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR | Patient Blood Management Should Not Be Overlooked In EU’s Blood Revision
**Reposting from Euractiv’s website. How important are blood transfusions for thalassemia patients? Blood transfusion therapy constitutes the cornerstone of managing these patients, who, in the absence of management, develop…
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NEW PUBLICATION | TIF Recommendations Offer Guidance To Thalassaemia-Treating Physicians
The newly issued publication ‚Basic Recommendations in Brief for Treating Physicians‘, based on and complementing the ‚Guidelines for the Management of Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia (4th Edition – 2021)‘, is an…
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THALIA2018-2021 | Europe Is Seeing A Surge In Thalassaemia, Project Results Show
„Although thalassemia has always been endemic in Europe, especially in southern European countries such as Cyprus, Greece and Italy, the disease now knows no borders and constitutes an increasing health,…
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Hemoglobin Disorders In Europe: A Systematic Effort Of Identifying And Addressing Unmet Needs And Challenges By TIF
The recent population movement has led to a steady increase of carriers and patients with haemoglobin disorders, namely thalassaemia and sickle cell disease, in all countries of the European Union.…
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THALIA App: The Skilled Digital Assistant of People with Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Disease
Committed to continuing efforts to develop useful tools for individuals with thalassaemia and haemoglobin disorders worldwide, TIF introduces a novel mobile health application for patients with thalassaemia and sickle cell…
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