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NewsTIF News (DE)

“Liver Disease & Thalassaemia“: En route to the 3rd TIF Webinar for Medical Specialists

Tune in for TIF’s upcoming webinar on “Liver Disease & Thalassaemia“ for Medical Specialists, organised in the context of our eThalED Course on Friday, 31 July, EEST 15:00-16:00.

Prof. Geoffrey Dusheiko, Emeritus Professor of Medicine & Consultant Hepatologist at Kings College Hospital London, UK, and Prof. John Koskinas, Professor of Medicine and Hepatology at the Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School of Athens at Hippokration General Hospital, will discuss the past, present and future of Liver Disease in Haemoglobin Disorders, as well as the prevention, eradication and treatment of Viral Hepatitis in thalassaemia.

 Registrations are now OPEN

 Learn more about the eThalED Course HERE


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