International Thalassaemia Day 2018
International Thalassaemia Day is an annual commemoration day, dedicated to all thalassaemic patients and parents who have never lost hope for life and to all implicated scientists who have never given up and who, with their efforts and persistency, have given this hope, for a long, good quality life, to our thalassaemics across the world.
As every year, TIF organises 3 online competitions (video challenge, photography contest, story challenge) inviting the global thalassaemia community to submit videos, stories and photographs (or collages) around a specific theme.
The theme for ITD2018 is:
Thalassaemia past, present and future: Documenting progress and patients‘ needs worldwide
Join us in #ITD2018 and get involved in awareness raising activities!
What are we asking from you?
You are the people who see thalassaemia reality of thalassaemia in your country first-hand. We are asking you to show the progress that you think your country has made in terms of thalassaemia prevention and management over the decades and the challenges and patient needs that you think are still there and need to be addressed in order for patients to have a long a good-quality life.
Tell us your thoughts through videos, stories, or show them to us through one or a collage of pictures.
Suggested topics
In November 2017, the 14th International Conference on Thalassaemia & Haemoglobinopathies & 16th TIF International Conference for Patients & Parents revived and reinforced patients’ hope for complete remedy, informing patients about scientific breakthroughs in clinical treatment striving to secure the final cure, as well as global patient empowerment through education, making all sorts of links between education and health.
Experts say that the well-educated patients have a deeper bucket of resources to draw on, they know about the dos and don’ts in regards to the disease. Technology has only helped to increase patient access to such knowledge. For one, reading up on scientific breakthroughs and best practices for quality of life leads patients to pay attention to their doctor’s advice and adhere to the proposed treatment, enabling them to make good and meaningful decisions about their health, and increasing their ability to self-manage their condition effectively and with greater self-esteem. Very importantly, technology helps spread knowledge and progress in all the affected countries of the world.
We have prepared a guide of suggested topics and questions that may be useful for you to participate in this competitions. Remember that you can choose to talk and/or represent any topic you want in these contests, as long as it agrees with this year’s ITD theme. Read Suggested topics
Media Toolkit for #ITD2018 available to download!
Let us use this day to show how thalassaemia care has advanced across the world and the patients‘ needs that still have to be met. Let’s turn clinical breakthroughs in prevention and clinical management of thalassaemia into rich audios and videos to help spread awareness of how they have been implemented in every affected country.
Let’s fill this day with truly educational experiences for all.
ITD2018 Media Toolkit
#VideoChallenge #PhotographyContest #StoryChallenge #ITD2018
Important information
Instructions and criteria for participants:
- Submission (video, photograph, story) should be consistent with this year’s theme, “Thalassaemia past, present and future: Documenting country progress and patients’ needs globally”
- Participant should be a thalassaemia patient, thalassaemia treating physician or parent or any individual with a special interest in and/or involvement with thalassaemia.
- Limitations on the entries’ size, length or format are indicated in the submission form
It is preferred to keep the submissions short, concise and to the point in order to maintain clear meaning and message to the thalassaemia community.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission to TIF’s contests: 8 May 2018. All late entries will be excluded
Deadline for submission of plans/ awareness campaigns: 8 May 2018
Evaluation and prizes:
The videos, photographs and stories will be evaluated by a review team that will be assigned ad hoc by the Thalassaemia International Federation based on participation.
The first winner will be awarded the prize of $ 500, the second the amount of $ 300 and the third the amount of $ 100.
Upon finalisation of the competition, the winning photograph, story and/or video will be used in TIF’s promotional material e.g.. website, the cover of our TIF magazine, TIF online gallery, monthly newsletters. By participating in this contest, you agree to this outcome (distribution). Full terms and conditions
When and how was the International Thalassaemia Day established?More about thalassaemia
The ITD 2018 winners:
1st prize – Mrs. Chanapa Tantibanchachai, USA
2nd prize – Mrs. Hanady Alsanwi, Yemen
3rd prize – Mrs. Siti Nur Azilayati Rahmah Raman, Malaisia
1st prize – Mrs. Mumtaj Surya, India
2nd prize – Mrs. Sypriya Biswas, India
3rd prize – Mrs. Sourav Karnakar, India
1st prize – Mrs. Ayesha Mehmood, Pakistan
2nd prize – Mrs. Trina Meek, Canada
3rd prize – Mr. Mustafa Dolu, Turkey
1st prize – Story Contest1st prize – Photo Contest1st prize – Video contest
The global community of patients spreads awareness on thalassaemia
More material
Patient doctors
Facts about thalassaemia
Overview of previous ITD Contests
(Earlier) This is how the patients voted
- Thalassaemia yesterday, today and tomorrow: Country practices and growing recognition of patients’ rights (Winner topic, 136 votes)
- Scientific breakthroughs: Envisioning the future of thalassaemia (92 votes)
- Thalassaemia goes digital: Patient education for health and global patient empowerment (88 votes)