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International Thalassaemia Day 2021

The International Thalassaemia Day (ITD) is marked annually on 8 May and it is devoted to raising awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about thalassaemia, and helping the global thalassaemia community to connect and call for changes towards the improvement of patients lives and well-being.

This year’s theme

Addressing Health Inequalities Across the Global Thalassaemia Community

If ever there were a time to focus attention on Thalassaemia and the widening health inequalities that impact affected patients, that time is now!



Did you know that?

In the majority of countries where thalassaemia exists, patients with β-thalassaemia major do not reach or surpass the age of 20 years.

More facts & key statistics on Thalassaemia

The Official #ITD2021 Video

Standing united against health inequalities across the global thalassaemia community, Thalassaemia Heroes from many different countries, send out the #ITD2021 message for a compilation video prepared to inspire solidarity and generate action.

TIF’s Global Thalassaemia Review: The Premiere

The Global Thalassaemia Review 2021 (GTR) constitutes perhaps the most comprehensive work of the last decade on thalassaemia.

Comprising of almost 500 pages, the real face of thalassaemia will be revealed to the reader demonstrating the immense disease burden that falls on the shoulders of thousands of thalassaemia patients and their families in their struggle to access quality healthcare services that will enable their survival!

Each year the voice of people with thalassaemia, and those who work and live with them, grows louder.

Join us to create a stronger, united voice for addressing health inequalities and safeguarding the rights of the global thalassaemia community on 8 May.

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