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Educational Material

Compiled educational resources with additional information on PK deficiency for patients and healthcare professionals.

PKD Charter of Priorities June 2021This document aims to bring together available information about PKD in an effort to identify gaps, and to make suggestions in the form of a “Charter of Priorities” (CoP).

A key advocacy tool, CoP’s are used internationally by patient organizations to not only provide comprehensive background information but also recognize the necessary policy and other changes necessary to improve the lives and health of patients.

This CoP for PKD can provide the basis for advocacy actions of the wider international PKD community, i.e. patients, caregivers, advocates, and clinical experts enabling them to act with a united voice, and is customizable for specific national, regional, or global needs.

Click on the picture to access the document.

Due to the rarity of PK deficiency, an understanding of its overall burden on patients’ lives remains limited.

This educational brochure seeks to explore how signs and symptoms of PK deficiency impact adult patients’ health‐related quality of life, often leading to risks for serious, long-term complications and comorbidities.

Click on the picture to access the brochure.

Pyruvate kinase deficiency is a rare genetic disease that causes red blood cells to break apart.

This superbly illustrated workbook is designed to help patients equip themselves with the best information about their condition to improve the conversations they have about it with their doctors and nurses.

Click on the picture to access the brochure.

Despite an ever-growing understanding of the PK deficiency disease, it remains unfamiliar to many healthcare professionals.

This superbly illustrated workbook is designed to help healthcare professionals equip themselves with the best information about this condition and improve the conversations they have about it with their patients.

Click on the picture to access the brochure.

Translational and clinical researchers are now working on the development of treatments that might address the underlying problem in PK deficiency.

What are these new developments? Could future therapies change the ways in which patients with PK deficiency live with their condition?

The goal of this article is to help individuals who have been diagnosed with PK deficiency, along with their caregivers and family members, understand more about the disorder and the latest breakthroughs in research. 

Click on the picture to read the article.

Keeping track of goals, obstacles, and questions can help make sure you and your healthcare team come up with the right management plan for your PK deficiency.

Download this discussion guide to help you get organized, make connections, and advocate for yourself as you prepare to meet with your doctor.

Click on the picture to download the guide.

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