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Delegation Visits 2018

Consultation Meeting with delegates from Pakistan – 25-26 April 2018

TIF provides expert support to Pakistan

Pakistan is a country where progress is being made in several areas and TIF has been supportive over the last 2-3 years. On the main, the ongoing programmes under development are:

  1. The national standards for blood transfusion services, which are under the direction of Prof Hassan Zaheer, assisted by consultants from Germany.
  2. A national policy for thalassaemia control, both for prevention and clinical services. This plan is also under federal government auspices and spearheaded by Prof Zaheer and Dr Adil Akhter, but also actively supported by the Bait-Ul Mal Foundation and its Managing Director Barrister Abid Waheed Sheikh.
  3. Regional prevention programmes, supported by regional governments and the Pakistan Thalassaemia Federation.

TIF wishing to support and promote this effort has invited the main actors of these efforts to visit TIF offices in Cyprus for a two-day discussion on all issues of developing a national policy, and offer its help where requested.

This meeting took place on the 25th and 26th of April 2018.

More about Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM)

Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) is an autonomous body set up through a 1991 Act of the Government of Pakistan. It gathers funds from the annual 2% charity that families contribute and use the funds to help the needy members of society. PBM is not a public treasury in the sense that it exists to help the poor and is not run the government. PBM significantly contributes to poverty alleviation through its various projects, including providing assistance to the destitute, widows, orphans, invalids, and other needy persons. Thalassaemia patients are benefitting from this fund and a significant number receive free treatment. In addition PBM has established a state of the art thalassaemia centre in Islamabad, which also provides free-of charge treatment. A second one is being built in Baluchistan. Managing Director is Barrister Abid Waheed Sheikh who has studied law in Pakistan and London

Agenda of the TIF-Pakistan Consultation Meeting 2018

The agenda of the meeting aimed to provide information along key areas of importance to policy-making and allow for the drafting of a comprehensive one along the characteristics and needs of thalassaemia in Pakistan
Thalassaemia in Pakistan: TIF’s perspective – M. Angastiniotis
Current situation in Pakistan for clinical care & prevention in each province – A. Akhter
Global Programmes for the Control of Haemoglobin Disorders – A. Eleftheriou
Provision of Clinical Management services for Thalassaemia in Cyprus – S. Christou
Blood Services for Thalassaemia Patients in Cyprus – C. Stylianou
Screening & Diagnosis Reference Laboratory – M. Angastiniotis
• Multidisciplinary care of Thalassaemia in Cyprus – K. Simamonian
Involvement of National Thalassaemia Association in the development and continuation of the Programme – M. Miltiadous

• The patient’s view of services in Pakistan – J. Kewlani
The role of well-structured public health services in delivering quality services for a chronic disease – A. Polynikis

Read full agenda


The meeting ended with the development of a draft “Proposal for Developing a National Policy on Thalassaemia in Pakistan” which is to be further discussed with country officials and local organisations prior to its finalisation and submission to the national health authorities.

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