TIF organises the‘’1st International Informational Forum on New & Innovative Therapies for Haemoglobinopathies’’_12 December 2019

In light of the rapid scientific developments in the field of thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) – new drugs and gene therapies – which promise to change the course of these diseases, and given the leading global role of the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) since 1986 in informing and educating organized patient groups, healthcare professionals and other partners active in the field of haemoglobinopathies, TIF will organise and host the ‘’1st International Informational Forum on New & Innovative Therapies for Haemoglobinopathies’’, on Thursday, November 12, 2019, 15:00 p.m., at TIF Headquarters, Nicosia, Cyprus.
The Forum seeks to promote and support information exchange and discussion among all relevant stakeholders, including patients, distinguished haematologists, representatives of the Cypriot MOH, Pharmaceutical Services, local health authorities, and pharmaceutical companies (Acceleron Pharma, BluebirdBio, Celgene, and Novartis), and will be focusing on raising awareness about these new treatments and drugs, as well as on accessibility and affordability issues, mainly in Cyprus.
Upon completion of the Forum and collection of its findings and conclusions, TIF will develop a relevant position paper.
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