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TIF by the side of thalassaemia patients in Syria


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has contacted the Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) to request the provision of its expertise and technical support on the thalassaemia care and management of patients in the North West Syria region.

Currently, this region includes four Thalassaemia Centres with approximately 500 patients. These patients are receiving at the moment, and for some time now,  sub-optimal care that can undoubtedly lead to significant morbidity and mortality rates. The four existing Thalassaemia Centres face serious challenges, related mostly to the lack of medications, equipment and clinical guidance. In view of the foregoing, TIF will put great efforts into providing help, so as to alleviate as much as possible the patients’ daily struggles with the disease.

Following a video conference, held on 14/11 between TIF and representatives of the WHO office in Gaziantep, it was agreed that both parties would collaborate closely to support this important initiative.

The Federation had attempted numerous times, through these years, to identify ways of supporting Syrian patients and had repeatedly addressed pertinent requests to the UN General Secretary, as well as to the Director General of WHO. Today, thanks to this initiative, the situation of patients in Syria can be assessed and their quality of life improved.

Updates on the progress achieved in Syria will follow shortly.

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