أخبارTIF News (AR)
TIF Launches Online Petition to Promote ”Equitable Access to Safe and Adequate Blood”
In the context of the World Blood Donor Day 2020

A few days before the celebration of the World Blood Donor Day 2020, TIF has launched an online petition, co-signed by the European Blood Alliance (EBA), to promote ”Equitable Access to Safe and Adequate Blood” and voluntary, non-remunerated Blood Donation!
Transfusion of blood and blood products help save millions of lives everyday. This statement is even more true for individuals whose day-to-day survival depends on regular blood transfusions, like patients with thalassaemia or other haemoglobin disorders.
Almost half of the global blood donations are collected in high-income countries, home to only about 19% of the world’s population. As such, equitable access to adequate and safe blood transfusion services still does not exist and moreover in many of these, costs are additionally involved.
Let’s unite our voices toward strengthening voluntary blood donations, the cornerstone of our patients’ management and the foundation of a safe, sustainable blood supply!
Click HERE to sign TIF & EBA’s online petition for ”Equitable access to safe and adequate blood globally” and help us call on national government authorities to strengthen voluntary, non-remunerated blood donations!
Click HERE to sign TIF & EBA’s online petition for ”Equitable access to safe and adequate blood globally” and help us call on national government authorities to strengthen voluntary, non-remunerated blood donations!
Read also: TIF’s Position Statement for WBDD 2020
TIF’s Position Statement Executive Summary for WBDD 2020