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TIF Material on COVID-19

This article by TIF’s Executive Director, Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, featured in the accredited publication Hematology Advisor, discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified challenges in thalassaemia care worldwide and underscores TIF’s activities throughout the coronavirus outbreak in support of patients with haemoglobinopathies.

Hematology Advisor offers healthcare professionals a comprehensive knowledge base of practical information and resources focused on haematology and critical care medicine to assist in making the right decisions for their patients.

Read the Article HERE

On October 20, following the FDA authorization of booster COVID-19 vaccine doses for certain ‘vulnerable’ or ‘at-risk’ population groups, TIF released a relative announcement addressed to its global thalassaemia and haemoglobin disorders patient community.

Read the Announcement HERE

In view of the plans made by national health authorities in every country across the world for the widespread vaccination of individuals against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Thalassaemia International Federation herein presents the latest information concerning the to-date authorized vaccinations, as well as the Federation’s position about the vaccination of patients with haemoglobin disorders against SARS-CoV-2.

Read the TIF Position Statement Leggi la Dichiarazione di Posizione della TIF Διάβασε το Έγγραφο Θέσης της ΔΟΘ بیانیه موقعیت TIF را بخوانید

In this Position Statement, TIF addresses and clarifies to the extent possible basic questions that oftentimes concern blood donors with regard to Covid-19 vaccination and blood donation.

Read the TIF Position Statement

TIF has compiled a list of studies/clinical trials for both existing and developing treatments and vaccines against COVID-19, which is by no means exhaustive as this situation is extremely labile and research in this area is dramatically intensified.

New information to this guide, which is prepared exclusively for TIF’s global thalassaemia community, will be added on a regular basis!

Read & Download the Full Guide HERE

Read & Download the Guide’s Monthly Update HERE

The COVID-19 has been proven to be life-threatening to all patients who rely on medical care and other public health resources, especially those suffering from transfusion-dependent and other multiple organ diseases, including thalassaemia and sickle cell disease and whose access to emergency care constitutes the cornerstone of their disease’s management.

TIF calls upon all governments globally to:

  • Accelerate their transition to Universal Health Coverage and address the existing health inequalities;
  • Reaffirm their commitment to provide continuity of care to all their citizens, including patients with haemoglobin disorders;
  • Implement all prudence and precautionary measures to protect the general population from the destructive effects of SARS-CoV-2;
  • Provide priority access to vaccines to all people with chronic and complex diseases, including those with haemoglobin disorders.
Read the paper

Through its latest Position Statement, TIF encourages National Health Authorities of every country across every Region of the world, in the context of their national fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, to promote and adopt a series of policies in relation to the protection of the health and lives of individuals with haemoglobin disorders.

This Statement will contribute significantly to the safeguarding of the health of patients with thalassaemia & SCD, which are associated with multiple and complex medical and public health challenges, as well as immense social and economic repercussions, if their prevention and management is not appropriately addressed by national healthcare systems.

Read the TIF Position Statement

In this newly published scientific paper, TIF summarises the key challenges as expressed by patients with thalassaemia, their families and involved healthcare professionals themselves, prior and consequent to the COVID-19 pandemic, describes its response during the pandemic and expresses its position in support of its global patient community.

The paper is written by Dr Androulla Eleftheriou TIF Executive Director, Dr Michael Angastiniotis, TIF Medical Advisor, and Mrs Lily Cannon, TIF Operations Manager. It has been published on June 29, 2020 in the ‘Thalassemia Reports’ peer-reviewed international medical journal.

Read the Paper

The scientific paper ”COVID-19 and Thalassaemia in Iran”, developed with TIF’s contribution, is documenting the Iranian experience of the SARS-COV-2 infection and morbidity’ rates among patients with thalassaemia.

The paper is written by Dr Mahmoud Hadipour Dehshalhas, with the substantial input of TIF’s Executive Director, Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, and other 3 co-authors, has now been published in the Thalassemia Reports peer-reviewed international medical journal.

Read the Paper

This document, prepared by the Thalassaemia International Federation, is a compilation of information exclusively for Sickle Cell Disease patients.

Its contents are based on TIF’s informational material & Brochures regarding COVID-19 and Haemoglobinopathies, TIF’s Scientific Update for SCD, articles published in peer-reviewed journals, information from official national, regional and international health bodies & SCD Associations, and presentations by members of TIF’s International Scientific Advisory Board and other collaborators.

Read and Download the Full Guide HERE

Patients with thalassaemia and sickle cell disease (SCD) are likely to be at increased risk of complications from the new coronavirus.

TIF has made an effort to classify the level of risk around these patients and bring together published information on risk factors and best practices for their best possible management in the time of the pandemic.

These practices and recommendations have been either published in peer-reviewed journals, and/or national government or professional society websites and/or national patient NGOs and include mainly the UK, Germany, France, USA, Italy and Cyprus, and constitute a base on which patients, treating specialists and national authorities should build on further.

The Guide ”Thalassaemia & SCD: Classification of Risk Groups and other Considerations” is available in English & Greek.

Read & Download the Full Guide HERE

Is the new coronavirus transfusion transmittable?

What is the guidance that internationally acclaimed bodies, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others provide with regard to adequacy and safety of blood and its products?

This brand new informational guide about blood adequacy and safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic, has just arrived on TIF website to answer these and plenty of other related questions.

Τhe ”Blood & COVID-19” Guide is available in English, Greek, Arabic & Italian.

Read & Download the Full Guide HERE

The proposed Patient Care Pathway requires changes to be made during the outbreak of COVID-19 in the admittance of patients to haemoglobinopathy day care centres /units /clinics.

Its aim is to protect the individual patient, medical and other personnel as well as other patients visiting the centre/ unit/ clinic from possible coronavirus infection.

Τhe ”TIF-Proposed Haemoglobinopathy Patient Pathway” is available in English & Greek.

Read & Download the Full Guide HERE

An informational leaflet about the new COVID-19 with a special focus to the challenges it presents for patients affected by thalassaemia and sickle cell disease (SCD). 

The leaflet was compiled by Dr Androulla Eleftheriou, TIF Executive Director, and Dr Michael Angastiniotis, TIF Medical Advisor with the invaluable contribution of TIF’s International Advisory Panel Members, Dr Maria D. Cappellini, Professor of Haematology, Dr John Porter , Professor of Haematology, Dr Ali Taher, Professor of Haematology, Dr Antonio Piga, Professor of Paediatrics, Dr Paul Telfer, Consultant Haematologist, and Dr Perla Eleftheriou, Consultant Haematologist.

Τhe ”COVID-19 Pandemic & Haemoglobin Disorders” Leaflet is available in English, Italian, French, Greek, German, Spanish, Farsi, Αrabic & Turkish.

Read & Download the Full Guide HERE

TIF’s Medical Advisor, Dr Anastasios Giakoumis, MD PhD, has compiled on behalf of TIF this short guide with helpful health and nutrition tips that can be our first line of anti-viral defence.

In addition to the well-known personal hygiene and preventive measures against the new coronavirus (COVID-19), we can also follow some simple recommendations regarding our nutrition, which could better prepare us for an epidemic for in which the virus rapidly spreads to many people within a short period of time.

Read & Download the Full Guide HERE

A Questions & Answers (Q&A) brochure, developed by TIF’s Medical Advisor, Dr Michael Angastiniotis.

The Brochure was created on the basis of queries addressed to TIF by patients with thalassaemia and sickle cell disease, with regard to the coronavirus outbreak.

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